EPIPHANY | Week 4 | Luke 4:31-44

What do you think of when you hear the word ‘authority?’

Many of us think of someone who is in charge. ‘The boss.’ Many of use immediately think of challenging authority when it is present in our lives. Some of us are pained when we hear of ‘authority’ due to an abusive experience or relationship in the past. 

Jesus said, ‘all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.’

So what does that authority look like? How does Jesus use his authority?

Join us in Luke 4:31-44 as we continue our journey through the season of Epiphany.

It’s all about Jesus.

Date: January 26, 2020
Speaker:  Jason Jordan
Series: Epiphany

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Pastor’s Comment

Thank you so much for listening in here at West Side. We often say that we love the word of God because it points us to the son of God. We hope these messages encourage you and equip you to love Jesus more. We also want you to be apart of a local church, we believe these messages are only supplemental, being apart of a local church is essential. Blessings.

Jason G Jordan

Lead Pastor, West Side Church

Sermon Notes

Epiphany Week 4 Luke 4:31-44 “Total Authority”

INTRO> What do you think of when you hear the word, “Authority”? I would argue that most of us when we hear the word “authority” we relate it to or hear “authoritarian”. The definition of authoritarian is “relating to, or favoring blind submission to authority” An example of an authoritarian statement is, “because I said so” Which is no surprise that authority is a major issue in our society as a whole because we don’t love authority, we love autonomy. The individual. This is a problem all the way back to the garden. Also, many of us struggle with the idea of God’s authority of Jesus’ authority because we think of an authoritarian God. If we are learning that God is like Jesus then what does this passage show us?

Big Idea> The answer to our sinful autonomy is Jesus’ beautiful authority.

CONTEXT> We see the word “authority” used 2x in the text. Luke is showing us something here. Last week we saw that Jesus was rejected in his home town but we also saw that he announced what is ministry was going to be in v18 Now we see these things play out in 3 specific areas in these verses. We see that Jesus has total authority but not in a way that you and I would imagine. What does Jesus do with his authority? He frees people, he serves people.

APP> We see that Jesus has 1) Authority to give good news 2) Authority to free the oppressed 3) Authority to heal the sick.

  1. Authority to announce good news. v31-32,43-44
        • “I must preach the good news”.. Jesus says that he is first and foremost a preacher. The word that he uses is “kēryssō” its means to herald or announce. Announce what?! well “good news” What so good.
        • “for his word possessed authority” I think we see what’s so good about it here.

APP> Do you know where we get the word authority from, from the word author.

*ILL> John Grisham, sold 275 million books, started out, “That Book Store in Blyville AR” Book signing, he’s the author!

APP> The good news is that the author has arrived.

2) Authority to free the oppressed. v33-37

        • This is where stiff gets weird. Luke’s first miracle the he records of Jesus is casting out a demon. pretty crazy. Luke mentions demons 23x in his gospel.
        • The mystery of the rebellion, 1/3 of the angels went with Satan, limited in number, limited in power, real in opposition.
        • What is the response to preaching the good news of the kingdom, demonic opposition.

Diagnosing the Demonic:

      • The demon was in the synagogue.
      • Nobody else knew he had a demon.
      • The demon acknowledged Jesus’ authority.
      • The demon was powerless in the presences of Jesus.

APP> But let us note, the demons theology is on point! “Let it never content us to know religion with our heads only. We may go on all our lives saying, “I know this — and I know that,” and sink at last into Hell, with the words upon our lips. Let us see that our knowledge bears fruit in our lives. Does our knowledge of sin make us hate it? Does our knowledge of Christ make us trust and love Him? Does our knowledge of God’s will make us strive to do it? Does our knowledge of the fruits of the Spirit make us labor to show them in our daily behavior? Knowledge of this kind is really profitable. Any other religious knowledge will only add to our condemnation at the last day.” J.C Ryle- Expository Thoughts

          • “having done him no harm” this line means so much to me. When it comes to the demon and to the evil Spirit Jesus flexes his authority in  powerful way, but he is gentle with the man. APP> You see, Jesus uses his authority and power like a surgeon not like a butcher.“He will not quarrel or cry aloud, nor will anyone hear his voice in the streets; a bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not quench, until he brings justice to victory; and in his name the Gentiles will hope.” Matthew 12:19–2

3) Authority to heal the sick.

      • Jesus heals Peter’s mother in law. We see that Peter was married.
      • She has friends who intercede for her.
      • When she is healed, she serves Jesus.
  • “When the sun was setting… he laid his hands on everyone and healed everyone..” Do we believe this, yes we do. All of God’s children ultimately receive healing at the resurrection of the dead and sometimes we get to participate when those great gifts come early.

CLOSE> Do you see this picture of authority. This is what Jesus looks like in authority:

      • announcing good news
      • freeing the oppressed
      • healing the sick

APP> If you are not a Christian, this is who we worship, this is who we serve.

We want to do something specific in closing today. We want to give you an opportunity to respond by having some of our leaders lay hand on you and pray for you. This isn’t guru, stuff, its a sign of affection and intercession.

Praying for:

    • the darkness in your life.
    • the suffering in your life.
    • the sickness in your life.
    • the confusion in your life.

Big Idea> The answer to our sinful autonomy is Jesus’ beautiful authority.