Pentecost Sunday – A Sunday to Celebrate!
This Sunday is an intro into our next series entitled The Book of Twelve where we (and all of the Grace Family!) will be walking through the books of the Minor Prophets! This Sunday we also take time to celebrate all the amazing things God has done over the past year through the entire Grace Family!

Date: June 5, 2022
Series: Pentecost
Sermon Extras
Join us on this episode of #TheRestOfTheSermon as Pastor Jason and our Family Director, Nikki Mouser recap the May We Honor series, celebrate Pentecost, and our new sermon series through the Minor Prophets! Be sure to subscribe and share
Pastor’s Comment
Pentecost Sunday- Book of the Twelve- JOEL
GRACE PENTECOST> Today is Pentecost Sunday, which is a big deal in the Bible! It is the birth of the NT church! And from that one church we see a family of churches born! Did you know that we are a part of a family of churches?
- “John to the seven churches that are in Asia…” Revelation 1:4
- “James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, To the twelve tribes in the Dispersion: Greetings.” James 1:1
West Side is a part of a family of churches called “The Grace Family of Churches” Pentecost is a celebration Sunday! We have a highlight video that ALL churches are showing right now! **ROLL VIDEO
- We are a part of ALL of that! 5% of our budget each year as a church goes to ALL of that!
- You can also help further the mission!
- here are the ways to give: Text any dollar amount to 770-637-9600 Give online and see other ways to give at
Sermon Series> Also, to bring about unity in the Grace churches, all of that Grace churches will be walking through the same sermon series together! This summer we are walking through the Minor Prophets! “The Book of Twelve!
Minor Prophets:
- There are 12 “minor prophets” in all… the last 12 books of the OT
- They are called “minor” not because their message is less important but because of the shorter length of their books and their succinct message.
- They address the political, moral and religious corruption in their day.
What is a Prophet?
- A prophet was the OT office of both forth-telling and foretelling the Word of God to the people of God.
The Prophets Message:
- Return to God
- Remember God’s Covenant
- Repent of Sin
The Book of Joel:
- 2nd of the Twelve Prophets
- Joel = Hebrew, Yoel “Yahweh is God”
- Very little is known of Joel
- Joels message was to warn the people of a “coming day of the Lord” and to remind the people how kindly God responds to repentance.
APP> Joel urges us to live “this day” in light of “that day.”
*** See separate sheet of notes for Dave Rhodes Notes
Big Idea > Joel teaches us that our current devastation doesn’t have to be our final destination.