The Upper Room – Week 5 – Helped By The Holy Spirit
This week in our series we examine John 14: 15-31. We see that Upper Room Disciples are helped by the Holy Spirit to hold on to God’s commandments. In order to understand this we ask the questions: Who is the Holy Spirit? What does the Holy Spirit do? and How do we get the Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit is the Power and Presence of Jesus living inside the people of God, and the good news of the gospel is that Jesus gave up his Spirit so that we may have the Holy Spirit in our supernatural life!

Date: October 23, 2022
Series: The Upper Room
Sermon Extras
Pastor’s Comment
The Upper Room- “Helped by the Spirit” John 14:15-31
REVIEW> We are answering the questions, “What are the marks of an upper room disciple?” Review Points. I have to be honest, today’s verses are so rich and so deep, we could spend and entire year studying these verses.
INTRO> The year is1990, and Danny Simpson of Ottawa, Canada was in a difficult space in his life, he was so desperate that he made the worst mistake of his life. He went to his fathers gun case, grab out a pistol that he recalled seeing his whole life and went down to his own personal bank and robbed them. He robbed the teller for $6,000 dollars. It was a small town and Danny was caught easily. Upon the investigation when the police acquired the pistol that he used, they were very interested. You see, the pistol that Danny used was a family heirloom, it was passed down from his great grandfather. It was a 1911 Colt.45 pistol but not just any pistol. This was a limited edition made during WW1 and given to Canadian Military officers, it was made by Ross Rifle Company in Quebec City, and there were only 100 of them made. The pistol was worth at the time $80,000-$100,000!
APP> You see, I think that is the perfect illustration for how most christians live their life. They are trying so hard and almost forcing something to happen and yet have no idea about the worth and value and power they posses.
Big Idea> Upper Room Disciples are helped by the Holy Spirit to hold onto God’s commands.
APP>You see, todays sermon is about the Holy Spirit. When it comes to the teaching on the Holy Spirit and our church that has such a diverse community there are a few errors that occur:
“Spirit and Truth…”:
- All Truth and no Spirit- we dry up.
- All Spirit and no Truth- we blow up.
- All Spirit and All Truth- we grow up.
- Who is the Holy Spirit?
- He is a Person. v17 “…see’s him, nor knows him..” The Spirit isn’t a force, isn’t energy. He is a personhood!
- He is God. v16a “… he will give you another..” That word another is REALLY important. It can mean another of a same kind, or another of a different kind. Jesus is saying that it is the SAME kind as he is, which is God! **This is the historical teaching of the Trinity!
- He is Permanent. v16b “…to be with you forever…” This is so amazing! In the NT, it is described as a downpayment. God has given us his Spirit as a down payment! Guarantee!
APP> We need a working Definition. The word that Jesus uses is “parakeet” the word literally means “to come along side and speak” it’s also described as an Advocate! *ILL> When I got in trouble and in court I had an advocate.
APP> The Holy Spirit is the Power and Presence of Jesus inside his People.
2) What does the Holy Spirit do?
- This is a point that I can’t express enough. Jesus is telling them that he is leaving, he is asking IMPOSSIBLE things from them but also is promising to empower them!
APP> The Christian life is is the supernatural life of Jesus lived out through you. “If the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit who dwells in you.” Romans 8:11
- The Spirit propels us to obedience. v15 “if you love me, you will keep my commandments.” Notice the order of these words! Love comes first, then commandments!
- Love – Obedience = Sentimentalism
- Obedience – Love = Slavery
- Love + Obedience = Spirit
- The Spirit instructs and illuminates. v26 “ he will tach you all things and bring to your remembrance..” The same Spirit that WROTE the Bible, is the same Spirit that will REVEAL the Bible!
- The Spirit assures us of Gods love. v21-23 This is so powerful! Do you see what Jesus is saying? He is saying that his love for you ins’t a FEELING, it is a FACT!
3) How do I get it the Holy Spirit?
- This will probably be controversial but.. the Spirit purpose is to point to Jesus. That what he says later on In Chapter 16. The Spirit of God loves to Magnify the son of God.
- When Jesus had received the sour wine, he said, “It is finished,” and he bowed his head and gave up his spirit. – John 19:30
APP> The Good news of the gospel is this, Jesus gave up his spirit so we can get the Holy Spirit.
Big Idea> Upper Room Disciples are helped by the Holy Spirit to hold onto God’s commands.
*ILL> Do you know what a difference this makes in your life? Show the illustration of the two balloons, always having to bounce one and letting the other one lead you!