The Upper Room – Week 8: Holy In Lifestyle

Date: November 13, 2022
Series: The Upper Room
Sermon Extras
Pastor’s Comment
The Upper Room- “Holy In Lifestyle” John 16:1-15
REVIEW: “What are the marks of an Upper Room Disciple?”
INTRO> The week before last, I had the opportunity to fly out to DC to meet with the fellow Grace Pastors. For a day of prayer and worship and encouraging Chris, the pastor there. We got to walk around and see the historical sites. We approached the White House and I got so excited to take a picture, that I set my bag down and ran up to the gate to take a picture and see it! Well…. setting down a bag and running, is literally the worse thing you can do in DC! And that’s when I met them… The Capital Police. They questioned me and let me go! Then I noticed everywhere, they was designated areas and certain people could go in and out.
APP> Why am I telling you this? Well… those designated areas you could say are… holy. Weird, right? You see that word is actually the most descriptive word for God… Holy. “Speak to all the congregation of the people of Israel and say to them, You shall be holy, for I the LORD your God am holy.” Leviticus 19:2 But did you notice something there? God isn’t just separated, distinct… He says that his people are as well. But here is the million dollar question: “How can sinners become holy?”
Big Idea> Upper Room disciples live Holy lives because the Holy Spirit lives in them.
CONTEXT> We are now in John 16, and in these verses Jesus gives us the second dose on his teaching of the Holy Spirit. We did an extensive teaching on this that you can go back and listen to but I think it’s important for us to remind ourselves, “How does the Holy Spirit help me live a Holy Life?”
- The Holy Spirit points us to Jesus.
- v14 “He will glorify me, for he will take what is mine and declare it to you.” This is such a profound truth that Jesus is telling us about the Spirit’s role in our life and how the Trinity works! Jesus says that the purpose of the Spirit is to point to him!
*ILL> Do you remember the old TV Show “The Johnny Carson Show” That was late night before there was late night. What made that show so great wasn’t just Johnny Carson, but his side kick Ed Mcmahan. Do you remember how he wold introduce him? “Heeerrreeeeessssss JOHNNY!”
APP> Jesus is saying that the Holy Spirit is just like that… “Heres JESUS!” APP> The Holy Spirit is most present where Jesus is most central.
2) The Holy Spirit persuades the heart.
- This is really important. in v8 Jesus tells the disciples what the activity of the Spirit will be. He uses the word convict. Unfourtatley, I think when we hear the word convict, we think “accuse” or “condemn” The word in the original means “to convince” This is good, you missed it. We don’t convince anyone! “It’s the Holy Spirit’s job to convict, God’s job to judge, and my job to love.” – Billy Graham
- The Spirit persuades about sin. v9
- The Spirit persuades about righteousness. v10
- The Spirit persuades about judgment. v11
*ILL> This is what the Spirit does! Wow! Parents, do you ever tell your kids to help you look fo something and then in two seconds that come back in and say, “I can’t find it. It isn’t there.”? Just the other day we were in the garage and I asked one of the kids that. Then I walked with them to the area, we had to actually LOOK and pick something things up and then there it was! As I was thinking about what the Spirit does, it’s just like that.
APP> The Holy Spirit helps us find what we’ve hidden deep within our hearts.
3) The Holy Spirit propels us to the Truth.
- v12-13 “I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come.”
- Remember what Jesus said back in Chapter 14? “These things I have spoken to you while I am still with you. 26 But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.
*ILL> In 2012 over 37,000 runners competed in the London Marathon. 26.2 miles! It’s a big deal. The winner, Wilson Kipsang from Kenya won the race by running it in 2:04:44 and setting the new record. That’s not who’s interesting…. does anyone know the name Simone Clarke? Simone Clark came in dead last, it took her 7hrs to run it Why did it take her so long? Well… Simone is a 39yr old epileptic and suffers from seizures in her life. How in the world could she run the race? Well, she couldn’t… until her friend Tally Hall agreed to train and run the race with her. On the first 7miles everything went great, no seizures! It was mile 8 that everything change, Simone had a violent seizure and was getting ready to pass out and hit the ground and Tally caught her and held her, she was unconscious for 30 seconds! Over the next 18 miles Simone had 19 seizures… each time, falling to the ground, Tally catching her, holding her, helping her up and running with her. Simone was interview and said this: “At mile 15 i started to break down into tears because I was so frustrated that we had lost the pace. But at that stage I had already had many seizures.. but I was still standing and I had Tally next to me. So I thought, tough.. I’m going to finish.”
Application> That’s like many of us today. We keep falling down. The Holy Spirit inside you is better than Jesus beside you.
Big Idea> Upper Room disciples live Holy lives because the Holy Spirit lives in them.
- How is the Holy Spirit calling you to be “separate and distinct” in your life?
- Where are you resisting the Spirit’s prompting?