Wrath, Remnant, and Hope | Isaiah 10:20-11:9
Guest Pastor, Bill Turner, gives an overview of the book of Isaiah and how it shows a rhythm of Wrath, Remnant, and Hope. Rhythm and repetition may at times seem boring but they are there to remind us. Our pain, anxiety, and the year 2020 was not a mistake or a blimp in God’s plan. We can find HOPE in Jesus Christ and his promises. We can “Count it all joy”.

Date: May 23, 2021
Series: Stand Alone Sermons
Watch the archived Facebook LIVE stream by clicking the button below!
Sermon Extras
THE REST OF THE SERMON | Isaiah 10:20 – 11:9
On this episode of the Rest of the Sermon, you will get to hear from Pastor Jason and Adam Dell. Adam is a West Side member and volunteer who serves on this worship team. You will enjoy hearing them talk about family, serving in a local church, and what the COVID pandemic revealed in their lives.
It’s All About Jesus!
Pastor’s Comment
Thank you so much for listening in here at West Side. We often say that we love the word of God because it points us to the son of God. We hope these messages encourage you and equip you to love Jesus more. We also want you to be apart of a local church, we believe these messages are only supplemental, being apart of a local church is essential. Blessings.