Baptism: Matthew 3:13-17

What is baptism? Who is to be baptized? Turn your bible to Matthew 3:13-17 as we look at the baptism of Jesus and see how this is pertinent to us as believers today in 2018.
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Date: May 20, 2018
Speaker:  Jason Jordan
Series: n/a

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Pastor’s Comment

Thank you so much for listening in here at West Side. We often say that we love the word of God because it points us to the son of God. We hope these messages encourage you and equip you to love Jesus more. We also want you to be apart of a local church, we believe these messages are only supplemental, being apart of a local church is essential. Blessings.

Jason G Jordan

Lead Pastor, West Side Church

Sermon Notes

Stand Alone: Baptism 5/20

INTRO> I worked part time at a funeral home for a number of years as the “in house Chaplin” So I would perform the funeral if the family didn’t have a minster. Even when I would “preach” the service, often times the individual who had passed away had what was called a “pre-need” Which is basically their instructions as to how they would like to be remembered and celebrated.

APP> Did you know that Jesus actually did the same thing? In the church we call them “Sacraments” or “Ordinances”. They are :

          • Communion. (Eucharist, Lords Table) Luke 22:14-23
          • Baptism. “And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”- Matthew 28:18-20

APP> Did you know that Christians ever since Jesus have practiced this for thousands of years? Earliest Ancient christian art (Pic) Solider getting baptized (Pic) Rare baptism in India (Pic) Mass Iran baptism of 200 people (Pic) No matter the country no matter the race no matter the story… these things, bind us together.

    • “The Sacraments are the visible words of God.” – St. Augustine What he is saying is, we HEAR the gospel through, preaching, singing and bible reading but we SEE the gospel through baptism and communion.

APP> So here is what I will do today, I wont be able to answer all the questions but I will be able to answer the main question, what is baptism and who should be baptized.

      • The word “baptism” or “baptize” has a great history to it, the word itself isn’t actually “Christian” The word baptize comes from the greek word “bap-ti-zo” which means- to dip, immerse or to submerge. In some ancient literature we have examples of ship that have sunk and they said it was “baptized” Or if you needed you clothes changed color, you would take them to a “baptizer.”
      • Here in Matthew 3 we see that Jesus’ baptism is one about identification. John is baptizing people to prepare them for Jesus coming, Jesus comes and identify himself with sinner. This baptism also is a picture of Jesus entire ministry. Life, Death, Resurrection. APP> Baptism is ALL about Jesus.
  1. Baptism is confession of Christ. Turn to Acts 2:37-38
      • Here we see that the response given to the message of the good news of Jesus Christ, is to be baptized. To be immersed in water, publicly.
      • “because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” Romans 10:9
      • “So everyone who acknowledges me before men, I also will acknowledge before my Father who is in heaven, 33 but whoever denies me before men, I also will deny before my Father who is in heaven.” Matthew 10:32-33

*ILL> In this day in age of social media, baby announcements are a pretty big deal. *Show And Graces Announcement. This announcement that something has changed new life is here.

B. Baptism is communion with Christ. Turn to Romans 6:1-4

      • We are united with him in his death, burial, and resurrection!
      • “my beloved son” this is true for us!

*ILL> This picture show what baptism represents with us!

“Your baptism is nothing less than grace clutching you by the throat: a grace-full throttling, by which your sin is submerged in order that you may remain under grace. Come then to baptism! Give yourself up to be drowned in baptism and milled by the mercy of thy dear God, saying, “Drown me! Throttle me! Dear Lord, for henceforth I will gladly die to sin with your son!”– Martin Luther

C. Baptism is communion with the Church.

“There is one body and one Spirit—just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call— one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.” Ephesians 4:4-6

*ILL> Like a wedding and gaining in laws!

APP> So then what is Baptism? >>>

Big Idea> Baptism is the physical sign of the spiritual change in Christ.

2) WHO IS TO BE BAPTIZED? Turn to Acts 2:41

      • Here is where we can transition from close handed to openhanded, I am going to show you in the Bible what I believe the pattern for baptisim is. There will be disagreement and that’s ok.
      • “But when they believed Philip as he preached good news about the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ, they were baptized, both men and women.” Acts 8:12
      • “Then Philip opened his mouth, and beginning with this Scripture he told him the good news about Jesus. 36 And as they were going along the road they came to some water, and the eunuch said, “See, here is water! What prevents me from being baptized?”[a] 38 And he commanded the chariot to stop, and they both went down into the water, Philip and the eunuch, and he baptized him.” Acts 8:35-38
      • “Crispus, the ruler of the synagogue, believed in the Lord, together with his entire household. And many of the Corinthians hearing Paul believed and were baptized.” Acts 18:8

APP> Faith and repentance precede baptism.

APP> Those who have heard, repented and trusted in Christ are to be baptized.

CLOSE> I know there are many questions that you have, one of the most popular is, “Pastor Jason, does baptism save you?” … I’m going to answer your question with a question… “Why do you ask that?” They didn’t ask that in Acts or anywhere else in the NT.

APP> A profession of faith without an expression of faith means no possession of faith.

*ILL> All-star Begg, story of an English man getting baptized in his most expensive suit.

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